Enhanced rock formation characterization using Gas Expansion Induced Water Intrusion Porosimetry

A thorough investigation of the porous medium characteristics is essential in order to detect transport phenomena in porous media. Lab experiments such as Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) and Gas Expansion (GE) on the core samples that are directly extracted from geologic formations are useful techniques to measure the porosity of the porous structure. However, the MIP test requires high cost and preparation time and the use of mercury causes the sample destruction. In addition, in both methods, mercury and gas are non-wetting fluids that require a back-up pressure to fill the pores, yet, the pores inter-connected with the finer pores may not get filled. In this paper, using the same principals as MIP and GE tests, an effort was made to overcome the mentioned drawbacks. Therefore, the gas/water intrusion apparatus is designed to use distilled de-aired water (DDW) as an intruding fluid to fill the pores. As the DDW has the tendency to fill all inter-connected pores, no back-up pressure is required. This method is called Gas Expansion Water Intrusion Porosimetry (GEIWIP) that has lower cost and less preparation time comparing to MIP test.

Faculty Supervisor:

Hartmut Hollaender;Pooneh Maghoul


Miad Jarrahi




Engineering - civil


Professional, scientific and technical services


University of Manitoba


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