Evaluating Dementia Inclusivity in Retirement Communities

Retirement Communities (RCs) are an attractive bridge between aging-in-place/staying at home and going to full care/LTC by allowing older adults to remain independent while still receiving minimal assistance, as well as access to activities and socialization opportunities. With the mean age of residents being 85 years old, these communities offer unique insight into the future of Canada’s aging population. This research will offer preliminary findings on the state of dementia inclusivity within RCs as well as offering viable solutions to reducing stigma and becoming a dementia inclusive community. Two research questions guiding this study are: 1) What is the current state of dementia inclusivity in RCs? and; 2) From the residents and staffs’ perspectives- what are the barriers and facilitators to dementia inclusivity? Data generation methods will include the use of the following: (i) online survey methods; (ii) semi-structured interviews; (iii) focus groups and; (iv) observations. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Gloria Gutman


Laura Booi


Ontario Retirement Community Association


Visual arts


Medical devices




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