Evaluation of Phostrol Uptake and Efficacy against Late Blight and Verticillium Wilt in Potato Cultivars Grown in Nova Scotia

This proposed project is aimed at using a newly approved environmentally-friendly fungicide Phostrol to control the most serious diseases of late blight and Verticillium wilt in potato production. Current control strategies for late blight control are harmful to the environment; with the removal of the fumigation practice, there is no alternative options for growers to control Verticillium pathogens in soil that cause almost 30% yield reduction in the Maritime region. This proposed research will provide valuable data for these two disease targets. The outcome will be important for Engage Agro to promote the product for sale and important for potato growers to manage these two diseases during production, as well as protect the environment.

Faculty Supervisor:

Gefu Wang-Pruski


Fagang Xia


Engage Agro


Animal science


Environmental industry


Dalhousie University



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