Glass-Telepresence Communication System

The research will result in a working prototype of an innovative two-way, high-resolution video and audio communications system, codenamed "GLASS". The prototype is to utilize projection technologies developed by Christie Digital Systems, video cameras, audio capture and playback components, and synchronization software developed by the intern. The system will allow people to communicate over any distance via full-size, high resolution video, high quality audio, unimpeded by the affordances typical of extant videoconferencing systems. That is, users can engage in eye-to-eye contact, move about, and interact in real time. The intern will conduct his research both at Christie and at CCAT, University of Waterloo.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Glenn Stillar


Krzysztof Pietroszek


Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc.


Interactive arts and technology


Information and communications technologies


University of Waterloo



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