Growing Up With Cerebral Palsy: Transitioning from Childhood to Adolescence in the Healthcare System

Children living with NDDs are often dependent on their parents and healthcare providers. As these children reach adolescence and prepare to transition from the pediatric to the adult health care system many issues affecting their autonomy are currently not being addressed. In addition to feature articles, sidebar articles with multimedia components will further examine these social and ethical challenges. Additionally, monthly articles about NDD science and related social and legal issues will be produced. Work will appear in The Vancouver Sun, in print and online versions. Ultimately, this work aims to benefit The Sun’s audience by explaining complex science and ethical concerns in plain language that accurately reflects the facts and issues. The articles will include stories of real people and their struggles and provide an opportunity for empathy, interest, and understanding of children, adolescents, and adults affected by NDD and their families.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Judy Illes


Katelyn Verstraten,


Vancouver Sun


Engineering - biomedical


Life sciences


University of British Columbia



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