Homelessness Prevention at Covenant House Toronto

The proposed research project to be undertaken by the intern is concerning the use of preventative measures to combat youth homelessness and trafficking in Toronto through Covenant House Toronto. Youth homelessness and trafficking are on the rise and researching how prevention for this vulnerable population can be utilized has the potential to significantly reduce rates of youth homelessness and trafficking in Toronto. The project will use both quantitative and qualitative methods of analyzing existing Covenant House Toronto data on the youth that are experiencing or have experienced homelessness and/ or trafficking. The intern will be working towards completing a high-level report that implements the findings and trends from the data to generate recommendations on the next steps to undertake for a youth homelessness prevention strategic plan.

Faculty Supervisor:

Victoria Esses;Paul Tremblay


Enieda Baja


Covenant House Toronto




Health care and social assistance


Western University



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