In situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst

The research project I will be working on at Tianjin University is called the “in situ synthesis and characterization of cellulose Ag/AgCl composite photocatalyst.” During this project, we will be working with lignocellulosic-based composites, which have many applications in biology, medicine, dirt degradation, and wastewater treatment. A composite is defined as a material made of two different materials, each with different properties. In the case of this project, we will be using cellulose acetate and different amounts of silver to form our composite. By producing many different membranes of these composites, with different amounts of silver, we will be able to test their broad range of applications. In doing so, we believe we can determine the
relationships between the different composites and their physical and chemical properties.

Faculty Supervisor:

Jesse Zhu


Brendan Hewton



Engineering - chemical / biological



Western University



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