Integration of social media tools into student-centred virtual learning management system

This research project will provide the intern with the opportunity to work with end users (students and faculty) to refine, further develop and test a prototype of NursApp, a learning management system (LMS) designed to create opportunities for students to use technology to learn in post-secondary education. The intern will work with co-owners to conduct focus groups with students and use feedback to refine, further develop and integrate social media components into the NursApp. The intern will synthesize findings from the research project by developing video tutorials for students and faculty. A beta test with potential users will be conducted at the end of the internship. The intern will collaborate with contracted designers and co-owners during all phases of the internship who have expertise in conducting participatory design research and in user experience design. The internship will provide the partner organization opportunities to collaborate with students and faculty to develop a relevant and comprehensive learning management system that has applicability in a variety of contexts and to further its mission to involve students in the development of technology to be used in the classroom.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kenneth Kent


Aakash D Shukla


AppEAL Educational Applications for Learning


Computer science


Information and communications technologies


University of New Brunswick



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