Investigating the challenges of designing and implementing human resource management systems in the context of a Quebec SME.

This research project will focus primarily on the analysis of information systems technology adoption in order to improve the design of information systems and the process used for their implementation. More preciously, the main objective will be to investigate the adoption of information systems designed for human resource management in order to identify improvement opportunities for the partner’s software solution and implementation process.
The project is proposed as a joint undertaking by the primary investigator as well as MERINIO, a Canadian-based company specialized in software solutions for human resource management (HRM). The deliverables of this project, identification of improvement opportunities and solutions, will provide MERINIO with valuable knowledge on how to design more effective solutions and will help MERINIO’s clients by providing solutions that are more compatible with their organizations.

Faculty Supervisor:

James Lapalme


Maxime Bourbonnais


Merinio Inc.




Information and communications technologies




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