Investor Return Calculations for an Evaluation of the British Columbia Equity Capital Program

The MITACS intern will help the partners at the Rocket Builders Canada Ltd. and the University of Victoria to evaluate the B.C. equity capital program (ECP) administered under the British Columbia Small Business Venture Capital Act. The main deliverables of the MITACS intern are to: (1) estimate the returns of investors under the equity capital program, (2) estimate the amount of capital gains tax the ECP has or will generate, and (3) perform a “survival analysis” of the companies that benefited from the ECP since the year 2000. The analysis by the intern will become an important building block of a critical analysis of the ECP by a research team consisting of the two partners on this grant proposal plus the University of British Columbia. This critical analysis aims to assist the British Columbia government at a stage where it considers legislative changes to the British Columbia Small Business Venture Capital Act.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Paul Schure


Aydin Culhaci


Rocket Builders




Finance, insurance and business


University of Victoria



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