IP Cores Integration for Fast AES and LZ77 Processsing


The goal of the project is to continue development started during a previous internship period, integrating hardware cores with production electronic gaming machine (EGM) systems. These cores will increase the performance of the EGM systems by accelerating the speed at which graphics can be rendered on the systems display.

Integrating these cores should prove to be an invaluable asset for this system and will increase the value and salability of the EGM’s. This will be accomplished by providing a much more enjoyable gaming experience for end users by increasing load times for games. It will allow Spielo to exceed market expectations for game load times and will increase the security of the system by allowing more data to be completely encrypted. Another benefit of this implementation is to free up EGM resources to perform other unrelated tasks which cannot be done now. In working with UNB on this project, MITACS Spielo will strengthen its relationship with UNB’s Faculty of Computer Science which should lead to further joint development projects.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Kenneth Kent


Joseph Libby




Computer science




University of New Brunswick



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