It takes a village: Investigating the scaffolding strategies of writing development employed by ANS communities to support early literacy development.

The achievement gap observed between African Nova Scotia (ANS) learners and their peers has been a concern to the researchers, the community, policy-makers and other education sponsors. Also, the on-going COVID-19 crisis has increased calls for research studies that can share light on how education investors can trust and work together to address the achievement gap and inform policy. This research intends to use an Africentric collaborative approach to understand how parents, extended family members and other education stakeholders partner together to support ANS learner’s early writing skills. The study will also look into the challenges of providing support to enhance writing development, including challenges associated with the COVID-19 crisis. The findings from this research will help DBDLI and policy-makers to identify gaps related to home and community support of early literacy competence, and develop policies that address this challenge.

Faculty Supervisor:

Susan Brigham


Sylvia Chanda Kalindi


Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute






Mount Saint Vincent University


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