Measurement Verification And Modelling of W-Band Imager and Harvester

Beyond the spectrum of visible light lies a window of frequencies called the W-Band which illuminates a world normally unseen to the naked eye and can be the vessel for energy without wires. In order to see this world normally unseen, we have developed a unique circuit topology which has shown signs of truly state-of-the-art performance while consuming zero energy, occupying less area than the head of a sewing needle, and costing less than any of its competitors. Although promise has been shown by this new device, further investigation is demanded. Under the joint guidance of Professor Voinigescu and Professor Socher, while utilizing University of Toronto’s facilities we hope to unlock the secrets of its inner workings, thereby enabling its integration into larger scale systems.

Faculty Supervisor:

Sorin Voinigescu


Edoh Shaulov



Engineering - computer / electrical



University of Toronto


Globalink Research Award

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