Mobile Phone Based Ionizing Radiation Detector Optimization

The GammaGuard is the mobile application which the user can be used to detect radiation level by using detectors, in our research they are called CT 100 and CT007, or using mobile camera. The previous work was only focusing on the CT 007 which used the classic Bluetooth technology. In CT 100, the Bluetooth low energy is used for device connection. BLE requires lower energy and higher data transfer speed. The partner will design and implement the application for CT100 and merger it into the one only supports CT007 so that the user can choose between these two. After the data comes in, the data can be shared and synchronized among multiple mobile devices. Beside the external detector, this research will also focus on adding the camera detection into the application. In this case, the users can detect the radiation level without using any external devices but mobile itself. The intern will design and implement the algorithm for the camera detection. For the partner organization, after the whole project finished, EIC will have both an Android (in Java) and iOS (in Xamarin) version of the BTLE and camera radiation detector app.

Faculty Supervisor:

Ralph Deters


Gao Su


Environmental Instruments Canada Inc.


Computer science


Information and communications technologies


University of Saskatchewan



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