Novel Linearization Techniques for Ultra-Broadband 5G Power Amplifiers

The realization of the upcoming 5th Generation of telecommunication standards (5G) requires ultra-broadband transceiver frontends that satisfy both power efficiency and linearity requirements. Since power amplifiers (PAs) are the most power-consuming blocks in these frontends, they are optimized to achieve higher efficiency, and hence lower operating cost and carbon footprint. However, high efficiency PAs suffer from nonlinear behaviours that distort the signal quality and reduce their overall linearity. This project tackles the abovementioned problem by proposing novel PAs linearization techniques that can extend the linearization bandwidth to over 400 MHz. First, a fully automated PAs characterization / linearization testbench with Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer (NVNA) measurement capabilities will be realized. Then, a novel NVNA-based linearization approach will be investigated as a standalone linearization solution as well as a technique to improve existing Digital Predistortion (DPD) linearization solutions. These solutions will be implemented on Analog Devices Radio Verse (ADRV) 9009 platform which is composed of two state-of-the-art fully integrated transceivers having a bandwidth of 450MHz each. This project exploits the full capabilities of NVNA measurement and modeling techniques and alleviates the need to use very high-speed digital-to-analog converters, which represent one of the main challenges in extracting ultra-broadband DPD models.

Faculty Supervisor:

Fadhel Ghannouchi


Ahmed Raslan


Analog Devices


Engineering - computer / electrical




University of Calgary


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