PMU Based Load Modelling and Validation Methodology

Load Modeling accurately has been a fundamental and critical subject for many years in power industry. Recently with the deployment of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), real time data to
analyze the loads has become feasible. Previously, load modeling has been focused on using some models based on pre-assumed certain form of the models, as a consequence the
prediction error would be considerable. We propose to use techniques that do not need such assumptions, therefore it should promote the prediction accuracy of the analysis. On the other hand, we want to adopt some models commonly used in statistics and econometrics to replace
the models used by previous engineering researchers, and in our case the proposed model would have simple forms, easy to analyse, and capture a wider range of generality than the
previous work in the field. The intern is going to benefit from the practise of implementing theory into applications, and the partner organization is going to have potential economical benefit due
to better prediction of the real power operating scenarios.

Faculty Supervisor:

Miroslaw Pawlak


Jiaqing Lv


Manitoba Hydro


Engineering - computer / electrical


Information and communications technologies


University of Manitoba



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