Probabilistic Transitive Closure of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Algorithm Enhancement and Application to Work Integrated Learning

Shopify has a well-developed partnership with universities for a work-integrated Bachelor of Computer Science degree. It is in their best interest to see their student interns successfully transition to the work place. In the application part of this study, we will use a fuzzy cognitive map (that is, a special type of a graph) to represent expert knowledge on determinants of success and well-being of a student intern, Moreover, a relatively new mathematical model – transitive closure – will be applied to analyze this data and compute a set of guidelines for better learning outcomes. As the computation of (probabilistic) transitive closure is computationally very demanding, enhanced algorithms will be developed in the theoretical part of the project.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mateja ?ajna


Masoomeh Akbari


Shopify Inc


Statistics / Actuarial sciences


Information and cultural industries




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