Project ABCI: Authorization, Booking and Coordination Internships for widespread Testing and Vaccination for COVID-19

Ensuring efficient and effective disease testing during a pandemic requires the integration and automation of complex, versatile assessment, scheduling, and planning tools. Project ABC, funded by Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster, will deploy technologies that enable the BC health system to deliver a high volume of COVID-19 tests to the patients who most urgently need them, and when available, vaccination/immunization. This MITACS proposal, Project ABCI, is the companion internship package led by SFU faculty Gromala and Shaw and three interns. The interns will work on two projects: needs analyses to gather the knowledge and flexibly assess information needs and capabilities with respect to the ABC Project systems being developed; and usability testing to experimentally validate the usability and accessibility of the ABC Project systems, such as the online booking system, to ensure that these systems are accessible and responsive to citizen’s needs.

Faculty Supervisor:

Diane Gromala;Chris Shaw


Bhairavi Warke;Xin Tong;Amal Vincent




Interactive arts and technology


Professional, scientific and technical services


Simon Fraser University



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