Prospecting mine and mineralogical sites for energy recovery and bioproducts

The mining industry is looking for technologies that improve sustainability through reducing environmental and energy burdens. In line with this, a program was created between Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations, a Glencore Company and Laurentian University to prospect for opportunities for making better use of existing non-mineral resources. Interns on the Mitacs program will bioprosepect mine site water bodies for microalgae that produce bioproducts that can be converted into clean burning biodiesel, and health beneficial compounds such as antioxidants and antimicrobial agents. They will also look at reducing fossil fuel consumption by prospecting for “waste” heat that could be used for space heating, and also along with CO2 emissions, to support year-round production of microalgae sourced biodiesel. An end-use for this biofuel could be to improve underground mine air quality by replacing petrochemical diesel that is extensively used in mine machinery.

Faculty Supervisor:

John Ashley Scott


Corey Laamanen


Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations


Engineering - biomedical


Environmental industry


Laurentian University



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