Research on Cross Platform Mobile Development Methodologies


Great improvements in telematic technology and fleet management systems lead developers to provide numerous applications for location awareness, road emergency assistance, and remote control. Some fleet management systems that are used commercially are Fleetilla and Emun LifePilot Fleet. On the other hand, by fast growth of handheld devices and wireless networks, there is a huge need for mobile application development. Due to the diversity of mobile platforms, migration and pc-based applications to mobile devices is a challenging issue to be addressed. The goal of this project is to investigate different cross platform methodologies to migrate the WebFleet fleet management system to different mobile platforms. Moreover, migrating applications to mobile platforms involve some constraints like processing power, memory and battery life of mobile devices; therefore, functionalities of the WebTech application that are eligible to run on mobile devices should be explored. 

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Qianping Gu


Maryam Hamidirad


WebTech Wireless


Computer science


Information and communications technologies


Simon Fraser University



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