Risk-based Winterization of Assets Operating in Harsh Environments

The proposed project is an extension of an ongoing project with American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), which aims to develop a performance-based winterization guideline for assets operating in harsh environments. The project has led to a novel approach of assessing need of winterization and evaluating extent of winterization required to maintain assets in safe operating condition. The main objective of the proposed project is to further validate the developed approach through a real-world case, i.e., winterization of a ferry operating in offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. The outcome of this project will be useful for ABS to validate and improve the developed risk-based winterization method.

This research project was undertaken and completed with a grant from and the financial assistance of Petroleum Research Newfoundland & Labrador.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Faisal Khan


Faisal Fahd


Petroleum Newfoundland & Labrador




Automotive and transportation


Memorial University of Newfoundland



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