Risk classification over time for individuals who have diabetes

This project/research is based on creating AI models that assist in determining blood glucose levels in individuals that have been diagnosed with Diabetes and classify changes in their risk-levels over a period of time. This research will be carried out by Ian Ho, student at Queen’s University pursuing his Bachelor’s in Applied Science – BASc, Applied Mathematics and Computer Engineering. He will research and develop predictive algorithms and analytical models for early diagnosis and risk assessment for Diabetes, under the supervision and advisory of QMind and Dr. Farhana Zulkernine of Queen’s University. This project will be carried out for a period of 4 months, at the end of which it will be integrated with the SenSights.AI platform ready for deployment. The partner organization will be able to leverage the research done for future projects and research in the field of Mathematic and Bioscience.

Faculty Supervisor:

Farhana Zulkernine


Ian Ho




Computer science


Health care and social assistance


Queen's University



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