Subsurface Mapping and 3D Reconstruction of Silurian Clinton-Medina Groups, Southwestern Ontario

The Silurian age Clinton-Medina Groups is a succession of sedimentary rocks found across Ontario, in outcrop and in the subsurface. The history of the stratigraphy is complex, and therefore confusion exists relating the stratigraphy regionally in the subsurface across Ontario. The Clinton-Medina Group formations are important for Ontario’s energy sector, providing petroleum resources from natural gas pools found in Eastern Lake Erie. By properly describing and delineating the formations, using core, cuttings, and geophysical logs, this information can be used to interpret the current geological information of the units and accurately map the geographical extent of the formations. This information will contribute to the 3D geological model of the Phanerozoic geology of southwestern and southcentral Ontario, which will be used as a tool to aid in exploration, aid geologists in subsurface study, and provide a visual guide for government policy makers.

Faculty Supervisor:

Jisuo JIn


Rhys H Paterson


OGSR Library


Geography / Geology / Earth science



Western University



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