Sustainable Development of Forest Resources: Nuxalk Development Corporation

The Nuxalk First Nations is being empowered by the provincial government to take more control over its socio and economic affairs. One critical part of the transitioning is to manage their forest resources through a community forest license. The Nuxalk Development Corporation will be an active participant in their economic future, particularly in the area of forest land management, energy planning, community development and the manufacturing of wood and non-wood products. The transitioning for Nuxalk community is a huge challenge and the purpose of this applied research project is to assist them with a set of ‘assessments’ of the key priority topics identified by their community and business leaders. These topics include: valued added wood products, social and affordable housing, bioenergy economics, waste management from manufacturing, product branding, marine and community management impacts on forest management, and non-timber forest products.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Gary Bull


Kahlil Baker, Devyani Singh, Matthias Splittgerber, Amadeus Pribowo & Dallas Pootlass


Nuxalk Development Corporation




Environmental industry


University of British Columbia



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