The health effects of separation on transnational families: A multi-country study of temporary farm workers in Canada and their families in Mexico

With increasing rates of economic and forced migration globally, there is a great need to deepen our understanding of the relationship between health and family separation due to migration. Under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program, farm workers from Mexico are hired to work in Canada for up to eight months a year. From a social determinants of health perspective, the precarious work and migratory conditions paired with the cyclical and long-term separation of families, increases the risk of workers and their families for mental, physical and emotional health problems. Using qualitative methodologies and critical social theories, I will examine the role of family separation due to migration as a social determinant of the health of Mexican transnational families. In particular, the expected outcomes of the Mitacs Globalink project in Mexico are: enhancement of the quality and cultural sensitivity of the study; a comprehensive literature review on migration and health with sources not available in Canada; interviews with subject matter experts; and data collection at the community level.

Faculty Supervisor:

Denise Gastaldo


Astrid Escrig Pinol



Epidemiology / Public health and policy





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