Theoretical foundation to ensure a high degree of reuse in the safety work products and system design of safety critical steering systems

With the trend of increasing technological complexity, software content and mechatronic implementation, there are increasing risks from systematic failures and random hardware failures. ISO 26262 („ Road vehicles – Functional safety “) is the most important standard concerning functional safety in the automotive industry. The standard was published at the end of 2011. Even small modifications of a system after it has been certified necessitate a re-certification. To minimize the effort and cost of a re-certification, it is essential that the safety case can also be limited to the modified parts. Such incremental certification foresees that single parts of a system could be modified or extended without requiring a re-certification of the complete system.

Faculty Supervisor:

Mamadou Lamine Doumbia


Walid Gannouni


ZF Group


Engineering - computer / electrical


Automotive and transportation




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