Treatment and Recovery Monitoring of Post Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Symptoms

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a significant health problem mainly because of its plausible prolonged sequelae and lack of objective measures for recovery. There are usually some disabling persistent post-TBI symptoms (mostly neurological) that do not respond to the current clinical and physical rehabilitation. This proposal aims to investigate the effect of a promising treatment for persistent post TBI symptoms, and to monitor TBI patient?s recovery by an objective technique along with standard clinical assessments. The treatment tool is the application of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of the brain. The treatment efficacy and monitoring TBI patients? recovery will be objectively assessed using Electrovestibulography; this will be in parallel with clinical and standard assessments. The proposed research has the potential to lead to a treatment and objective monitoring protocol that would provide a much faster, more economical and more efficient treatment method than the current techniques.

Faculty Supervisor:

Zahra Kazem-Moussavi


Grant Rutherford


Manitoba Public Insurance


Engineering - biomedical



University of Manitoba



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