Use Experience Design and Interactive Interfaces to Support Energy Conservation

This multiple]internship project aims at three applications: BCHydro's continuing efforts to encourage energy conserving actions by its clients and customers through its PowerSmart program, the City of Vancouverfs sustainability program and Team Northfs entry to the 2009 Solar Decathlon competition. Each internship will produce a prototype and/or presentation with the intent to use these results, directly or as strategic insight, in PowerSmart public exhibitions and in the Solar Decathlon house. Several later internships will explore lessons learned from the Solar Decathlon design within the specific context of the BC Hydro/LiveSmartBC Smart Meter Initiative and Energy conservation programs. The City of Vancouver intern will explore how technology demonstration and outreach can increase public uptake of energy conservation and assist researchers and City staff in defining future research collaboration

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Robert Woodbury


Milena Droumeva, Yin He, Kevin Muise, Johnny Rodgers, Evan Dickinson


Power Smart Marketing Manager


Interactive arts and technology




Simon Fraser University



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