User-Side Analyses of the Effect of Laser Data Uncertainties on Mapping Applications

Manufacturers’ specifications for laser data acquisition have been used since the inception of the technology over a decade ago [Habib et. al., 2008; Ussyshkin et. al, 2006]. However, unbiased geostatistical analysis would be valuable in determining – in a pre-analysis stage – whether or not user-demanded specifications for project-specific mapping applications can be met or exceeded by the manufacturer’s standards. The partnering organization’s knowledge of false accuracies, if any, can assess the uncertainty of marrying airborne laser data budgets with the total uncertainty propagation model [Hare, 2001] – used for hydrographic data error budgeting – in CARIS HIPS as of now. Ultimately, CARIS seeks to integrate these two error sources and provide a total uncertainty budget model suitable for both terrain and hydrographic objects.  Finally, assessing the accuracy of LiDAR measurements within a controlled test field will determine whether or not the actual uncertainties lie within predicted tolerances.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. David Coleman


Patrick Adda




Engineering - other


Information and communications technologies


University of New Brunswick



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