What makes for high performing teams in technology start-ups?

The project will focus on exploring latest academic and expert literature on high performance team management, develop and empirically validate practical insights for executive managers of new companies. The focus will be on: a) distinguishing factors of team success and successful team leadership in tech start-ups; b) the role of HR departments in designing high performing teams; c) key elements of organizational culture in highly performing teams; d) the role of managers in the long-term success of technology startups. The project will adopt an advanced text analytics (topic modeling) method applying content analysis to the identification of specific valuable insights. It will validate the insights by working with real life companies and develop learning modules to be used as part of executive management training programs.

Faculty Supervisor:

Stoyan Tanev


Ruslan Matthews;Srishti Batra;Sara Jelveh


Frank Technologies Inc




Professional, scientific and technical services


Carleton University



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