Wide-area synchrophasor measurements based power system stability enhancement

The ability of observing the dynamics of an interconnected power system spread over a large geographical area in real time using synchrophasor technology enables the design of power system controllers against system wide disturbances which could lead to catastrophic failures. Currently, the synchrophasor technology is primarily used for monitoring applications and its potential for using in protection and stability control is not fully utilized. Therefore, this research is proposed with the goal of developing effective online application of wide area synchrophasor measurements for power system stability control. As a manufacturer of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), the partner organization ERL Phase Power Technologies can directly benefit from outcomes of this research. New applications of PMUs will increase the demand for PMUs and the company has the potential for developing products that can use the technology developed under this research. Also, the students trained through this project could become potential employees for the company.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Athula D. Rajapakse


Dinesh Rangana Gurusinghe& K.P. Amila Nuwan Pathirana


ERL Phase Power Technologies


Engineering - computer / electrical




University of Manitoba



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