News Release
Voucher program drives products to market faster

VICTORIA – B.C. businesses will get their products to market more quickly, thanks to an innovative pilot program that will place graduate students from B.C.’s post secondary research institutions with established companies for job experience. The BCIC-Mitacs Commercialization Voucher Program, a key component of the BC Technology Strategy – announced in July 2012, was created […]

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News Release
Outstanding up-and-coming researchers honoured at 2nd Annual Mitacs Awards Reception

Ottawa – From decreasing patient radiation exposure in CT scans to transforming sugar into biofuel, students across the country are advancing industry innovation, creating new jobs, and transforming the lives of Canadians through their research. On Wednesday evening, the 2nd Annual Mitacs Awards Reception was held to recognize the amazing contributions of these emerging researchers, […]

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News Release
University of New Brunswick announces full partner MOU with Mitacs

Fredericton, NB – November 16 – 2012 The University of New Brunswick is pleased to announce the university has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate with Mitacs on a international fellowship initiative, the Globalink Graduate Fellowship Program. As part of a full partner collaboration between UNB and Mitacs a number of Globalink Graduate Fellowships […]

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News Release
Government of Canada announces support for Mitacs Accelerate and Elevate in Atlantic Canada

 Halifax, NS – November 15, 2012 – The Government of Canada today announced its support for two programs that aim to address the shortage of highly skilled workers by placing young researchers in internship positions in some of Atlantic Canada’s leading research and development (R&D) organizations. Delivered by Mitacs, a national, not-for-profit research and training organization, […]

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News Release
Mitacs applauds Government of Canada for $13.8M investment in new Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence

  Vancouver, BC – November 6, 2012 – Mitacs, today, commended the Government of Canada’s creation of a new research network aimed at fostering collaborative research activities between Canada and India. The India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability (IC-IMPACTS) will bring expert researchers from three of Canada’s leading universities […]

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News Release
OCAD University partners with Mitacs

  OCAD University partners with Mitacs to offer funded Internships (Toronto—October 15, 2012) OCAD University and Mitacs, a not-for-profit research organization, have signed an agreement that will give OCAD University’s graduates and current graduate students access to a federally funded internship program. Mitacs Enterprise is funded through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario […]

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News Release
Announcing the Mitacs Yu September Winner!

Mitacs Globalink student Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan wins prize for September Congratulations to Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan, Mitacs Yu’s September draw winner! Sai Gautam is currently finishing his Masters degree at the department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in Chennai, India. Check out Sai Gautam’s video below on his experience in […]

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News Release
Mitacs launches Conference Services to serve academic community

New service dedicated to producing events for Canada’s academic community   Vancouver, B.C. – With over thirteen years of experience of academic event planning experience, Mitacs is offering expanded services to Canada’s research community. Mitacs Conference Services (MCS) provides advanced event support to enable the academic community to bring their unique and inspiring conferences to […]

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News Release
Mitacs supports recommendations in new report on Canada’s international education strategy

Vancouver, BC – August 15, 2012: Mitacs congratulates the Government of Canada on the newly released report of the Advisory Panel on Canada’s International Education Strategy, entitled International Education: A Key Driver of Canada’s Future Prosperity. The task force behind the report, led by Dr. Amit Chakma, President of Western University, made a number of key […]

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News Release
$5M to move research from lab to patient bedside

Over 150 graduates and post-doctoral fellows to break boundaries in innovation to better serve Canadian patients Toronto, ON – July 27, 2012 – Mitacs and the Techna Institute of University Health Network have signed an unprecedented memorandum of understanding to deliver at least 80 Mitacs-Accelerate 4 month-long internships per year. This 5 year agreement will result […]

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News Release
Government of Canada supports business growth and global connections

Today, the Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification, announced federal funding to support Mitacs’ efforts in strengthening the knowledge based economy, supporting business growth and international competitiveness in Western Canada during her keynote address at the Mitacs inaugural Globalink Symposium. “Our Government’s top priority is creating jobs, economic growth and long-term […]

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