Development of a protocol to digitally capture and animate highly detailed, miniature 3D theatrical maquettes for a web environment


The National Arts Centre (NAC) is Canada’s premiere public institution for the promotion of the performing arts. For over forty years, the NAC has showcased the finest performers and production professionals from around the world. Many of these productions required the design and construction of elaborate stage sets that were built specifically for the show and then dismantled after the final curtain closed. While glimpses of these remarkable designs can be seen in photographs, a little know three-dimensional record has also survived. This collaborative project among the National Arts Centre of Canada; industry partner, 76 Design; and the Carleton Immersive Studio at Carleton University will develop a prototype for an innovative protocol to digitally capture and animate highly detailed, miniature 3D set-design maquettes from the NAC archives for a web environment. The resulting web-based models represent a unique three-dimensional history of theatre production at the NAC and provide an educational tool accessible globally. In addition, his prototype will also contribute to ongoing research questions surrounding the effective use of laser scanning technology and point-cloud data.

Faculty Supervisor:

Stephen Fai


Amanda Conforti


76 Design & National Arts Centre


Architecture and design


Digital media


Carleton University



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