Floatability and washability characterization of difficult to process coal seams at Teck Greenhills coal mine

Teck Coal produces metallurgical quality coal from the coalfields in southeastern British Columbia and it is the second largest exporter of metallurgical coal in the world. It operates four coal mines in SE BC. One of the Teck Coal operations has been experiencing difficulty in processing fine coal for several years. Overall, this situation has led to less than expected plant performance, resulting in some losses in production. The research undertaken in this project will develop a deeper understanding of the root causes of these processing problems and will work towards finding viable solutions at this processing plant.
The research performed by the student will advance Teck’s understanding of the problems and find solutions to the processing of fine coal from a planning, mining and processing perspective. TO BE CONt’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Maria Holuszko


Zijiang Yang


Teck Coal Limited


Engineering - other


Mining and quarrying




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