Incorporation of biosolids from municipal wastewater processing facilities into Lipid-to-Hydrocarbon (L TH) methodologies for production of biofuels

Biosolids, the materials produced during treatment of sewage sludge, are produced in extremely large amounts each day in every town and city across the globe. This material contains significant amounts of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be detrimental to human heath and must be carefully disposed. Added to this, there are currently few uses for biosolids even after sterilization. Municipalities around the world, including our partners with The City of Edmonton, are eagerly looking for novel and innovative technologies that will consume biosolids. To this end, our interns along with our industry partner, Forge Hydrocarbons Inc., will utilize biosolids in a Lipid-to-Hydrocarbon (LTH) technology that utilizes high temperatures and pressures. This technology will simultaneously sterilize the biosolids and transform the fats and oils contained within biosolids to fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. These fuels can be used in conventions engines on the market today. Our research will potentially reveal a novel and lucrative method to convert waste material to value added biofuels and solvents.

Faculty Supervisor:

David Bressler


Mehdi Omidghane


Forge Hydrocarbons Inc.


Food science


Alternative energy


University of Alberta



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