Influencing buyer behavior with Intelligent Marketing and team performance with digital coaching.

The proposed project aims to define and apply a set of AI rules based on customer sentiment, loyalty and purchase behavioral data using data from Drive CX customer experience management platform. The rules would generate “hyper-personalized” marketing offers that result in measurable increases in loyalty and Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). The deliverable would be a case study that correlates the relationship between personalized marketing offers with positive changes in consumer behavior such as increased engagement, visits and spend.
Drive CX leads the market in dynamically configuring custom branded comment cards on intelligent payment devices in minutes. Our partners include First Data, Global Payments, Ingencio, Clover and Poynt. This project is about taking our brand promise to the next level, by leveraging the correlation between the customer and team experience and engagement and sales and profits with the goal of supporting successful chains in being even more profitable and competitive in a post-covid world.

Faculty Supervisor:

Aaron Hunter


Pierayeh Vahdani


Drive CX


Computer science



British Columbia Institute of Technology



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