Optimization of rice and other protein based extrusion encapsulation

The proposed project deals with the extrusion encapsulation of bioactive components using rice and corn protein based food matrix. It is well recognized that the performance properties of natural lake pigment encapsulated products are influenced by the structural properties of the matrix protein used for the extrusion encapsulation. The type, mixture and nature of proteins can have a significant effect on the extrusion encapsulated product as well as its functionality. Significant changes in the product properties can be expected due to the difference in the manufacturing steps. Preliminary attempts by the company with enzymatic rice protein in extrusion encapsulation of natural pigments have not been successful. This project explores alternative procedures and optimization concepts to obtain a successful encapsulated product

Faculty Supervisor:

Hosahalli Ramaswamy


Ghaidaa Alharaty


Capol Inc


Food science




McGill University



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