Predictive Analytics and Applications for Clinical Support in Orthopaedics

Nova Scotia is one of the oldest demographics in Canada, with increasing rates of total knee arthroplasty (TKA), yet the identification of high-risk surgical TKA candidates prior to surgery at a patient-level remains inconclusive, limiting our ability to improve care management. The objective of this research is to explore Nova Scotia’s rich and comprehensive research and clinical databases related to osteoarthritis and TKA, and identify linkages between patient-specific factors, treatment options, and health outcomes, through personalized medicine analytical modeling. The proposed result will be the development of a decisions support toolsets capable of aligning patient and surgeon expectations, identifying patients that might benefit from an altered treatment strategy, and improving patient outcomes, overall. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Dalhousie University and T4G Limited, to develop a viable clinical decision support tool with various applications in orthopaedics, and scalability amongst diverse clinical practices.

Faculty Supervisor:

Janie Wilson


Kathryn Young


T4G Ltd


Engineering - biomedical


Medical devices


Dalhousie University



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