Probiotics and their role in an intestinal inflammation: Use of a novel in-vitro model to understand mechanisms of action

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role the gut plays in our overall health and wellbeing. Changes to this gut microbial population has been linked a host of disorders, ranging from metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. Depending on lifestyle factors, diet, antibiotic use and age, certain populations can be at a greater risk of microbial imbalances. In order against such conditions, probiotics are used as therapeutic agents. However, there has been limited success in developing long term solutions, mainly owing to the lack to understanding the relationship between these supplements and the gut microbes. Our proposed study aims to bridge this gap by using a novel model developed in our lab to study these interactions in more detail and help develop more targeted therapeutic strategies.

Faculty Supervisor:

Stan Kubow


Mohd Gaisawat


Lallemand Health Solutions


Food science






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