Study and Development of Energy-efficient Collaborative AI Technologies in Greenhouse Nursery Robotic Systems

The proposed project aims to address several challenges that the nursery robots made by AIS Inc. is grappling with. The project tasks are divided into two subprojects: 1) optimizing the electrical and control systems for the AIS robots, and 2) designing a multi-agent system to allow collaboration among the robots. The first subproject consists of estimating the state of charge of the robot’s battery, and designing and building appropriate self-tuning PID controller for the motor drives installed in robots. It will also modify and optimize the electrical boards which are currently used for supplying the electrical components towards an improved customer replacement unit for user’s convenience. The second subproject aims to design and implement a multi-agent artificial intelligence system in which robots can distribute their tasks among each other. It will decrease the task accomplishment time and energy consumption. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Jiacheng Wang


Abdolazim Keshtkar


Advanced Intelligent Systems Inc.


Computer science


Information and communications technologies




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