Towards an Elastic and Reliable Cloud Resource Management

This work is a holistic automatic methodology for cloud resource management system, which is a corner stone to build any cloud system. Cloud players rely on this to reduce management effort and cloud running cost, by enabling dynamic service access to cloud clients with cheapest price for customer, and high revenue for cloud providers. Customer requirements must be achieved based on their service level agreement like availability of the service. Now a days with new lifestyle conditions due to the pandemic (covid19), accessing online resources and performing tasks virtually increase the demands on cloud resources and services in different levels. These requirements must be dynamically handled by cloud management system, the way to provision resources keeping safe access to data, service availability and service performance under user expectations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Anjali Agarwal


Mustafa Daraghmeh;Tariq Daradkeh;Mohammad Altahat;Yanal Alahmad


Cistech Limited


Engineering - computer / electrical




Concordia University



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