Narrations augmentées en littérature jeunesse : processus créatifs multimodaux et mécaniques collaboratives

Ce projet vise à documenter et analyser les processus de création et mécaniques collaboratives impliqués par la mise en place de livres augmentés jeunesse, et ce à travers le développement d’une séries d’oeuvres associant animation, texte, musique, et fonctionnalités interactives. Effectué avec le partenaire Les Éditions André Fontaine, en particulier dans le cadre de sa […]

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Reconnaissance automatique de produits à partir des requis dans les appels d’offres

Ce projet de recherche vise à développer une technologie de pointe qui permettra à une entreprise d’identifier rapidement les appels d’offres les plus intéressants pour elle en fonction des produits et services qu’elle offre. Elle lui permettra également de produire ses soumissions plus rapidement et efficacement. Plus précisément, l’objectif est de développer un logiciel capable […]

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Justice sociale et enjeu ethnolinguistique dans le travail d’organisation communautaire à Montréal. Etude en sociolinguistique urbaine d’un organisme de l’arrondissement Verdun

L’arrondissement Verdun à Montréal est un espace de pluralité sociale et linguistique (plurilinguisme historique, immigration, rénovation urbaine, etc.) dans lequel coexistent nécessairement, comme ailleurs, une multitude de représentations et d’attitudes vis-à-vis des espaces, des langues et des identités. Cette diversité sociale, et les enjeux de justice qui l’accompagnent, pourraient s’interroger via les discours (et donc […]

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Separating Syntax and Semantics for Semantic Parsing

Study of language disorders, theoretical linguistics, and neuroscience suggests language competence involves two interacting systems, typically dubbed syntax and semantics. However few state-of-the-art deep-learning approaches for natural language processing explicitly model two different systems of representation. While achieving impressive performance on linguistic tasks, they commonly fail to generalize systematically. For example, unlike humans, learning a […]

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Yóntstha Ka’nikonhrí:yo (Using a Good Mind)

This research project seeks to examine the Haudenosaunee cultural principles of Kayaneren’kó:wa (The Great Law), Skén:nen (Peace and Balance), Ka’satsténshera (Power and Unity), and Ka’nikonhrí:yo (Good Mind / Righteousness). Through research of historical documents, investigation of the current literature, and consultation with Haudenosaunee knowledge keepers, this project seeks to discover innovative ways that these cultural […]

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Mapping Intangible Cultural Resources through Reading Culture Analysis

In 2011, the City of London started developing a cultural resource database and mapping capability to provide a calculation of the economic impact of culture in the city and an assessment London’s cultural facilities infrastructure, with focus on tangible cultural resources. Although potentially more valuable than the tangible cultural assets, intangible cultural resources have not […]

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Linguistic Cues for Heuristic Determination of Patterns of Speech in Noise

This project aims to investigate the benefits of using linguistic cues for extracting speech-of-interest from competing background noise. Given an algorithm which detects formants of a speaker of interest within an audio signal which includes background noise, and given that the limits of such an approach are reached when formants of the speaker of interest […]

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Natural language understanding and generation

NLP techniques have been used and tested for several years in different environments and for different applications/domains. The performances of the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) toolbox are closely related to the quality of the text but also on the specific knowledge-domain. Social Media content typically use short sentences with simple grammar and tend to include […]

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Cultivating Ethos in the Tech Sector

The rapid development of technology and its ubiquitous integration with modern society has clarified for business and technology leaders the need for ethical conversations about the role technology can and should play in our lives. By interviewing primary stakeholders in the technology sector and putting their ideas in conversation with literature about the role of […]

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Flow Weaver Virtual Reality Research Project

This project is intended to further the videogame industry’s understanding of user presence and immersive game design, where the player feels that they exist in a virtual space and can control a virtual environment with their physical body. Rather than trying to achieve immersion in a virtual world by escaping from the body, this project […]

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Play for Reality: Conveying Sustainability Challenges Through Game Mechanics

Several Ontario regions have agreed to reduce their carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. However, many of these cities don’t actually have a plan for how they’ll reach this noble but challenging goal. In response, the Waterloo Global Science Initiative (WGSI) (in partnership with several Waterloo Region collaborators) has created a prototype board game called […]

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Evaluation of Cultural Change Interventions in the Workplace

Habanero Consulting group is partnering with Postdoctoral Researcher Ryan Taylor and Professor Bryan Gick from the University of British Columbia, and Fernando Nieto Morales from the Colegio de Mexico. They will apply the most current research from the social sciences to strengthen Habanero?s cultural transformation techniques and create a tool to more quickly and accurately […]

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