Sampling Plans and Analysis Strategies for Environmental Assessment of Diamond Mine Impacts in Northern Canada

Rescan Environmental Services has conducted an extended aquatic effects monitoring survey as part of the environmental assessment of the diamond mine operations in northern Canada. Yearly water and sediment samples have been taken over the past 12 years at reference lakes (those not affected by mine operations) and impact lakes (lying in a downstream gradient […]

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Statistical Methods for High Through-Put Flow Cytometry

This research project aims to develop automated statistical methodology to analyze data generated by flow cytometry (FCM), a high-throughput technology widely used in health research and disease diagnostics. FCM is commonly used to define the overall status of the immune system either in healthy or diseased subjects by performing quantitative measurements on a variety of […]

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Multivariate Analysis for Manufacturing Excursion Detection with Complex Equipment Containing Sub-Systems

Triant Technologies provides the ModelWare Fault Detection software product to monitor sensor data collected from advanced manufacturing tools such as those used for semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing. ModelWare Fault Detection software performs a range of analyses, including online, multivariate data analysis using a proprietary algorithm and implementation. The goal for this project is […]

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Consumer Activity Segmentation in Marketing

This project will require the intern to use statistical techniques such as a K-means to cluster customers into different groups based upon their relationship to Kraft and how those relationships drive business value for Kraft. The intern will also use logistical progression and decision trees to create models that will be able to predict the […]

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The Identification of Gene-Environment Interactions in Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL)is the 5th most common cancer in Canada and its incidence has been increasing steadily every year. Unfortunately, little is known about the causes of the increased incidence, although it is likely that some combinations of genetic and environmental factors are involved. This internship with the BC Cancer Agency will examine genes that […]

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Estimating Abundance and Other Population Parameters for Harlequin Ducks

Harlequin Ducks were marked with individually numbered tags over a 12 year period. In each year, new birds were marked and some of the older birds were resighted. Based on the pattern of when these marks are seen, important parameters such as the abundance, survival rates, and migration rates of the ducks can be estimated. […]

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Yield Management to Optimize Expected Revenues

Yield Management refers to a method of dynamically-pricing products such as airline seats and hotel rooms in such a way as to optimize revenues. While this technique is best known to the public from its application in the airline industry, it has a fact been employed in the hotel business since the early 1990s, managing […]

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Evaluation of Catastrophic Risk System

Understanding the likelihood and trends in the occurrence and severity of natural disasters is an intricate part of insurance risk analytics. In today’s marketplace, the task of quantifying such risks is handled by vendors of catastrophe modeling tools. Due to proprietary, the vendors do not disclose the scientific and technical at sufficient detail for the […]

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Financial Risk Management

Risk management is a topic of great current importance to financial firms. In this project, the intern will undertake research with a small investment firm to develop more efficient risk management techniques. He will assemble a new database that is relevant to the firm’s existing and potential investment strategies. This database will be used to […]

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Analytical Framework for Valuation of Commercial Leases

The objective of the project is to provide a foundation of an efficient commercial real estate market. This project first wants to derive the values of terms in commercial lease such that both landlord and tenants can have a better understanding on how each term can affect them and by how much. The second objective […]

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Robust Efficient Estimation of Energy Use

Predicting hourly building energy use from environmental input variables can help to increase energy efficiency of buildings, and so contribute to global sustainability. Small Energy Group, a Vancouver-based energy management software company has been working on this challenging prediction problem. Small Energy Group has collected energy data on particular buildings so that the building owners […]

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Assessment of Fire Risk to Recreational Properties in Central Ontario

Risk to residential and commercial properties due to wildfire in areas of increased human habitation is an important but relatively unstudied phenomenon. Insurers are likely exposed to an increasing risk in the face of climate change and increased population in forested areas. The internship’s aim is to study this problem and to provide an estimate […]

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