Shoppers Persona Analysis: Statistical Learning of Shoppers’ Behaviour

The project is to break down shoppers into different groups. Shoppers have different preferences, for instance some shoppers tend to buy online in the morning, some might prefer purchasing online at night. If one could group together shoppers based on their different shopping behaviours, one would then be able to come up with personalized sales […]

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Advancing an Artificial Intelligence Platform for Crop-Health Monitoring

Plants can respond to changes in their surroundings and can convey precise information about their health state. Ecoation has developed a multi-sensory data acquisition device to capture this information and has been collecting in-field sensor data along with data labels produced by human experts during data collection. In addition, images of various parts of plant […]

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Evaluating offline functionality of progressive web applications in e-commerce business: A/B testing and causal models

The project is to understand the potential impact of enabling the offline functionalities on progressive web application utilized as e-commerce platforms. For instance, will enabling offline functionalities help increase revenue by providing a more engaging environment when the connection is poor? Traditional evaluation method is to run online controlled experiments by randomly assigning users into […]

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Risk Margin for Claims and Premium Liability in Accordance with IFRS 17

The Building Block Approach (BBA) is one of the liability measurement approaches proposed in the new insurance contract standards – International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 17. Of the three components under BBA, determining the risk margin is the most essential. This project will develop a model that would determine the risk margins and claim provisions, […]

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Investigating Insurance Insolvency in Canada’s Property and Casualty Industry

PACICC role is to compensate policyholders in scenarios where a P&C insurer can no longer provide compensation while overseeing the health of the P&C industry in Canada. The proposed project aims to improve PACICC’s ability to identity companies at risk of insolvency and improve strategies to minimize dead weight loss when insolvency is imminent. The […]

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Anomaly Detection in Financial Data

In this joint collaboration with Scotiabank we hope to solve a commonly faced problem by large financial institutions. It is to detect errors in financial datasets. This could be due to typing errors made by a human or a computer glitch that causes an incorrect value to be stored. To identify these errors, we plan […]

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Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Engine: Neighborhood Link Inference and Conversion Prediction

Canada’s financial services industry faces significant challenges to remain internationally competitive in the rapidly evolving web and big data environments. Scotiabank and its global competitors have as a key priority effective use of a large and growing amount of data to optimize the design and pricing of product offerings, to communicate effectively with clients, and […]

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Statistical and Physiological Beat Modelling of Seismocardiogram Signal – Year 2

“Seismocardiogram (SCG) is a signal that is captured by placing an accelerometer on the human chest. This signal captures very important timing information such as opening and closing of the heart valves. In addition to these timing information, the non-invasive nature of this signal makes it an attractive solution for remote monitoring of patients with […]

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A behavioural risk model for deposit only customers

In this joint collaboration with BNS, we will develop a behavioural risk model to predict the likelihood of future risk of breaking the promise to pay debt for customers who only hold deposit products with BNS. The model will be utilized to support business operations such as credit card and loan pre-approvals. That is to […]

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Setting risk margin for claims and premium liabilities in accordance with IFRS 17

This proposal deals with the pricing and risk management considerations of a property and casualty (P&C) insurance company. These considerations are within the context of a new accounting standard called IFRS 17, in which liabilities in insurance contracts will be measured prior to and during the exposure periods. We propose an implementable and accurate methodology, […]

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