Characterizing the Mode of Action of Novel Boron-Containing Antifungal Agents for Crop Protection

Fungal pathogens of agriculturally significant crops pose a serious threat against global food security. This is exacerbated by the limited classes of fungicides that are commercially available for the farmers and the rapid emergence of resistance against the existing fungicides. Furthermore, resistance against agricultural fungicides can poses serious threat to human health as it can […]

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Development of Technologies and Methods for Metabolite collection and processing

Metabolomics is an emerging field of research that provides insight into health and disease by studying the levels of various small molecules (metabolites) in the body. In this project, we are developing new tools that will improve and standardize methods for collecting and stabilizing fecal samples for metabolomics studies based on the analysis of fecal […]

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Design and implementation of plasmonic-enhanced ultra-high frequency terahertz transmitters and receivers

Terahertz spectroscopy for material imaging/sensing and characterization has received a great deal of attention over the past decade. Terahertz (THz) electromagnetic waves have frequencies in the range of 1012 Hz. Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging has many applications ranging from security, communication, food production, quality control for pharmaceutical industries, and cancer diagnosis. In the heart of […]

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Optimizing the prebiotic profile of donor human milk for preterm infants:feasibility of a new donor milk matching strategy based on maternal secretorstatus

Breastmilk is the best nutrition for a premature infant. When a mother’s milk is not available, the best alternative is donor human milk (DHM). Currently, DHM is pooled together from different mothers and there is no matching process based on the unique genetics or needs of the infant. This project will examine the possibility of […]

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Development of Smart Analytics Software for Remote Water Quality Assessment

The management of quality of drinking water systems, river and lakes is a significant environmental challenge. In this research project, we plan to develop low-cost real-time water quality monitoring and analytics software, which can be used to analyze and predict water quality in remote lakes, rivers, drinking water plants and other water bodies. The Aquahive […]

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The nexus of high frequency, big, and long-term data – catalysing new opportunities to support drinking water treatment

Within the prairies, water treatment brings unique challenges. Source waters are often nutrient rich, and within lakes, this can lead to enhanced cyanobacterial bloom risk, and elevated dissolved organic matter leading to production of disinfection by-products. There are myriad challenges, which can be supported by improved understanding of source waters, and improved technology supporting decisions […]

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Surface water motility due to an imposed air flow for vehicle drying applications

Customer satisfaction with an automatic car wash is highly dependent on the quality of the final drying phase, with residual water leading to spots and thus poor perception of performance. As such, Suncor Energy is committed to improving the drying phase of their next generation car wash facilities through principled design guidelines based upon scientific […]

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Non-destructive Testing of Backfill Strength in Support of Continuous Mining

Underground mines generate significant volumes of crushed waste rock, called tailings, but almost half of these can be returned underground and used as value-added backfill. This research uses non-destructive sensors that monitor the backfill’s strength in real time and provides operators with information needed to safely place backfill as quickly as possible. The sensors will […]

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Integration of Machine Learning and AI Based Optimization from IoT Datastreams and Business Information Systems

Internet of things (IoT) includes of multitude of sensors from a wide variety of applications. These sensors produce high volume and high velocity data. Recently there has been much interest in application of such technologies to improve agricultural practices. The sensors that are installed in the field transmit real time data regarding numerous environmental variables […]

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Automatic Verification of Comparators and Hash Functions

The implementation of data structures usually requires checking for certain mathematical properties such as equality. Those properties are usually implemented in methods that reason about the objects stored in these data structures. However, the implementation of such methods is fairly complex, and may exhibit software bugs that may not necessarily lead to program crashes. Therefore, […]

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