Webpage customer persona discovery and push notification guidelines

Cellphones get notifications from different companies every day, but we do not know whether these notifications have a significant impact on customers’ behaviour. Knowing the impact of these notifications would provide useful insights to marketing strategists. Since user behaviour will determine the efficacy of push notifications, this project initially aims to build a behavioural model, […]

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Shoppers Persona Analysis: Statistical Learning of Shoppers’ Behaviour

The project is to break down shoppers into different groups. Shoppers have different preferences, for instance some shoppers tend to buy online in the morning, some might prefer purchasing online at night. If one could group together shoppers based on their different shopping behaviours, one would then be able to come up with personalized sales […]

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Evaluating offline functionality of progressive web applications in e-commerce business: A/B testing and causal models

The project is to understand the potential impact of enabling the offline functionalities on progressive web application utilized as e-commerce platforms. For instance, will enabling offline functionalities help increase revenue by providing a more engaging environment when the connection is poor? Traditional evaluation method is to run online controlled experiments by randomly assigning users into […]

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Advancing Visualization for Mobile E-Commerce Clickstream Data

We propose to design and build an advanced visual analytics tool to support the analysis of large-scale e-commerce datasets. This data is generated by software platforms that collect information about the performance of e-commerce systems, consumer behaviour, and messages sent by retailers to consumers. Current e-commerce tools provide only simple overview statistics because of the […]

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