Improving the Performance of Forages on the Canadian Prairies

In 2012, the estimated value of forage in Canada was $5.1 Billion. Forages are the foundation for the beef and dairy sectors which have a combined economic activity of $50 Billion. However we have recently seen a loss of nearly 2.2 Million acres of pasture land across Canada, which means productivity from our remaining forage […]

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Synchronization of ovulation to improve the efficiency of an in vitro embryo production/embryo transfer program in commercial operations in cattle – Year two

In vitro embryo production and embryo transfer (IVP/ET) is a technique that has been developed in cattle for genetic selection to enable rapid improvement in commercially important traits. Technological advances have resulted in a significant increase in the commercial use of IVP/ET in recent years, and have made this one of the fastest growing sectors […]

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Dietary alternatives to force-feeding for the production of foie gras

Foie gras is a commercial food product made from duck livers containing elevated amounts of fat. The traditional production practice involves the force-feeding of corn-based diets to the animals. Foie gras is currently produced globally at around 26 000 ton/year; however, given the growing animal welfare concerns, demand has started to dwindle, and its production […]

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Effects of a probiotic product from Lallemand Inc. on growth performance and intestinal morphology of chickens raised under suboptimal conditions

According to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada produced 1.2 billion kilograms of chicken with chicken products worth $2.5 billion. Domestic consumption of chicken in 2016 was 32.5 kilograms per person. Canada exported over 5.3 million chicks worth over $13.4 million, mainly to the United States. That same year, 134.1 million kilograms of chicken meat […]

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SNP association study for immune and behavioral responses traits in turkeys

The major issues facing the turkey industry worldwide are (i) emerging and classic diseases, in response to a lack of effective strategies for treatment and prevention, and (ii) cannibalism resulting from antisocial/injurious-pecking behaviour. Genetic studies could explain the variance within, and association between, health, immunity and behavioural traits to help manage these issues. The objective […]

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Economic and environmental impacts associated with removal of productivity-enhancing technologies in the Canadian beef cattle industry

Beef cattle play an important role in food production worldwide by making use of resources from which humans can derive little nutritional value to provide a nutrient-rich foodstuff containing protein, minerals and vitamins. However, greenhouse gases and ammonia that are produced by the cattle industry are associated with climate change. Producing nutritious beef that meets […]

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Optimal manure management strategies to favor productive and low-GHG emitting dairy farms in Québec

Dairy production in Québec, Canada, contributes for 38% of the province agriculture-related greenhouse gas emissions. These numbers could however increase in the near future due to the evolution in manure management of dairy farms. A model (N-CyCLES), providing a whole-farm perspective considering on-farm interactions to determine the cost-effectiveness of overall strategies, will be used to […]

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The use of crickets (Gryllus sigillatus) in poultry diets and their antimicrobial potential to defend against necrotic enteritis

The production of chicken requires a large amount of protein, and producers currently use antibiotics to help keep chickens healthy. However, there is a leading trend to reduce the amount of antibiotics used today, and with the growing population there is a need to find alternative protein sources. Insects, like crickets, could be a solution […]

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Assessment and Genetics of Stress Resilience in Dairy Cattle

Dairy cattle are exposed to stressors that negatively impact health, fertility, welfare and production. Health and climate experts predict that exposure to stressors (i.e. pathogens and extreme temperature events) will increase as climate conditions continue to destabilize. Due to increased antimicrobial resistance, there is urgent need to explore alternative strategies to promote animal health; it […]

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Protective and therapeutic use of resistant starch (MSPrebiotic) in a pig model of experimental colitis

Many alternate treatment options are now used to alleviate chronic intestinal inflammation and microbial imbalance including dietary supplements of prebiotics and probiotics. Resistant starch (RS) represents a range of indigestible dietary carbohydrates passing into the lower gut, without being digested/absorbed in the upper digestive tract. It is speculated that RS can reduce signs and symptoms […]

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Nutrition and management strategies to improve Canadian pork production

The Canadian swine industry must adapt to current and emerging challenges to remain competitive. In general, the industry is focused on improving efficiencies and reducing costs of production. However, the industry also faces many concerns regarding environmental sustainability and societal acceptance of production that need to be continually addressed. Feed represents approximately 70% of the […]

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