A humane pigeon management plan for TransLink: the case of Ovocontrol P

Pigeons can act as pests for the ability to spread disease as well as ruin infrastructure with their excrement. At Skytrain stations, they cause delays by triggering intrusion alarms as well as erode infrastructure. By attempting to reduce population numbers using a type of avian reproductive control that does not effect the environment or other […]

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Somatic cell reprogramming as a tool for the conservation of genetic resources from endangered species

Conservation of endangered species has become increasingly urgent. This is evident given the rate of species extinction has increased by 100 to 1000-fold, and global biodiversity has decreased. With current climatic changes, these concerns will only grow. Assisted reproductive technologies can play a vital role in endangered species conservation. Many approaches are currently being utilized […]

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Assessment of the impact of Canadian beef production on biodiversity

This project will develop a life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) model that will characterize beef production impacts on biodiversity across Canada. The outcomes of this project will provide science-based information regarding the impact of beef cattle production on biodiversity thereby providing greater transparency and improved public confidence in the beef sector. Further, it will give […]

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The effects of a step-wise exercise regime and dietary soluble fiber intake on behaviour and welfare, gut health, and metabolism in mid-distance training sled dogs

Regular exercise has also been associated with positive effects on the health and mood of dogs, although extreme exertion, such as that experienced by sporting dogs, can lead to activity-related injuries and a reduction in welfare. Sporting dogs commonly experience gastrointestinal upset, but trainers tend to not recognize the importance of dietary fiber to support […]

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Mobilizing Ulukhaktok Traditional Knowledge of the Dolphin and Union Caribou Herd

The Dolphin and Union caribou herd is integral to Inuit culture, subsistence and identity. Preliminary local and scientific knowledge both indicate that this caribou herd is declining and in poorer health than before. We need to bring everyone together and use everything we know about Dolphin and Union caribou, the environment and the other animals […]

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Development and application of physiological markers of Grizzly Bear health

Grizzly bears reside on changing landscapes across Alberta, Canada. The goal of this study is to determine how disturbances in the landscape affect the health of grizzly bears. This will be monitored by analyzing the (1) expression of proteins in skin that are associated with energetics, reproduction, and stress and (2) concentrations of hormones in […]

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Assessment and Genetics of Stress Resilience in Dairy Cattle – Year two

Dairy cattle are exposed to stressors that negatively impact health, fertility, welfare and production. Health and climate experts predict that exposure to stressors (i.e. pathogens and extreme temperature events) will increase as climate conditions continue to destabilize. Due to increased antimicrobial resistance, there is urgent need to explore alternative strategies to promote animal health; it […]

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EcoSix : L’élevage d’insectes comestibles en économie circulaire urbaine pour lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire et les changements climatiques

Les insectes comestibles représentent une alternative durable à la viande conventionnelle. La diète omnivore des ténébrions meuniers peut permettre une saine gestion des résidus alimentaires et ses déjections ont des propriétés fertilisantes. De fortes barrières psychologiques et économiques freinent la progression de la consommation d’insectes au Canada. L’objectif du projet EcoSix est de développer un […]

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The potential for ground mustard seed to improve the environment in the farrowing room for sows and piglets

Mustard is grown throughout Western Canada, primarily for use as a condiment. However, mustard growers are seeking other uses for this crop. Of interest is the potential of ground mustard as an anti-microbial. Mustard contains a compound called glucosinolate, which under the right conditions can be converted to isothiocyanate, a proven anti-microbial. This study will […]

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