Building a geospatial database for assessing effects of multiple stressors on inland lakes

Phosphorous is the key nutrient limiting fish productivity and algal growth in Ontario lakes: more phosphorous can mean more fish, but it can also mean more algal growth, and potentially even toxic blue-green algal blooms. Multiple stressors like climate change, human land-use practices, and shoreline development, all affect lake phosphorous levels beyond natural geo-climatic factors. […]

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Restoration Research on Kelp Forest Habitats in the Salish Sea

Kelp beds are marine sanctuaries, providing some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet and serving as critical habitat and refuge for many species, including juvenile salmon. Recently, declines in kelp populations have been reported by several groups including fisherman and kelp harvesters in the Pacific Northwest. However, the extent and cause of this […]

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Biomolecular Quantitation and Structure Analysis to Accelerate Development of New Vaccines

Manufacturing of consistently high quality products is the commitment of the pharmaceutical industry. To achieve this, new products must be thoroughly tested and the results meet government-approved product specifications. Improving existing and adopting improved analytical technologies for product testing ensure the production of safe and effective products. This is particularly critical for the manufacturing of […]

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Optimization of Euglena Fatty Acid Production: an Important Step towards the Commercialization of Euglena Oil

Noblegen Inc. is an advanced bioproducts manufacturer dedicated to developing cost-effective, naturally-derived biomaterials and biochemicals for a wide range of consumer and industry sectors. We employ a unique organism, algae, to continue to do what it does naturally – decontaminate wastewater sustainably and affordably while also generating valuable biomass for use in biomaterials and biochemicals […]

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Investigating the Health and Economic Benefits of Colostrum and Milk from Dairy Cattle Selected for Enhanced Immunity

Diseases of dairy cattle adversely affect meat and milk quality. Our research demonstrates that high immune response (HIR™) cattle have many health advantages, including better quality colostrum/milk. HIR™ technology is marketed by our partner Semex Inc as Immunity+. While many advantages of HIR™ exist, there is more to learn, particularly as it relates to colostrum. […]

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Development of new methods for metabolomic screens

In this project we aim to generate simple assays similar to commercial pregnancy tests that can detect the presence of specific molecules (metabolites) related to disease conditions. We will use our knowledge and experience to generate easy-to-use strips that will allow specific detection of health-relevant metabolites that can be used in clinical or at-home settings […]

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Habitat selection by Common Nighthawks in Canada’s boreal forest

The boreal forest is an essential breeding ground for hundreds of North America’s bird species, yet it is poorly studied. Many of these birds are rapidly declining, including a group of birds called the aerial insectivores. These birds are not necessarily related to each other, but instead they share a behaviour: they all catch insects […]

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Innovating in-field DNA acquisition for enhanced microbiologically influenced corrosion diagnostics

Corrosion of metal-based infrastructure (for example, pipes) is an enormously costly problem faced by many industries including power generation, oil production, transportation, beverage production and water storage and distribution. It is now known that microorganisms can in many cases cause and/or worsen metal corrosion – a phenomenon known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). OSP Microcheck […]

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Bobolink and eastern meadowlark occupancy in different agricultural land cover types

The bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna) are listed as a species at risk in several Canadian provinces. Both songbird species are most abundant in Ontario and breed in hayfields, pastures, and other grassland-like environments. Ontario’s Endangered Species Act (ESA) seeks to protect these species by regulating activities that negatively affect their habitat. […]

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Recovery of fish populations from environmental nanosilver release

Nanosilver is an antimicrobial agent found in thousands of commercial products, frequently released into waterways as a result of their use in clothing and washing machines, as well as many other products with potential for environmental release. Though regulations on environmental release exist for elemental silver, no regulations exist for nanosilver release into the environment. […]

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Long-term response of boreal forest bird community to changes in habitat structure and configuration due to forestry and other land uses

Long-term effects of forest harvest and other land uses on boreal forest birds are unknown, because most studies of forestry practices on boreal birds occur over short periods, while effects of habitat fragmentation may be realized over longer periods and affected by climate change. I will analyze >20 years of forestry treatment and bird abundance […]

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Development and application of molecular tools to assess the acute and chronic impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons on birds

The Northern Gateway Pipeline and similar projects propose to transport oil from Alberta to tidewater terminals in British Columbia and eastern Canada. Accidental release of petroleum distillates and related by-products would have consequences on the marine ecosystem. To evaluate spill implications for seabirds, we propose to develop and apply molecular tools to assess toxicological and […]

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