Predicting noise impact on fish communities in the western Canadian Arctic using Passive Acoustic Monitoring.

Several fish species produce species-specific sounds that can be identified in the wild using Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) (i.e. dataloggers configured with underwater microphones). Our project will use existing and new PAM recordings to monitor the distribution of several fish species in the western Canadian Arctic, with particular focus on a keystone Arctic species, the […]

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Smart mutational exploration of the CalB lipase active site using a combination of virtual screening and iterative saturation mutagenesis

The company Odyssée Biotech specializes in the production of natural flavors and fragrances using innovative enzyme technologies. Using natural enzymes allows the enterprise to produce highly pure ingredients in mild conditions with a natural label. This green approach also makes this technology highly competitive and environmentally sustainable relative to other production methodologies employed in the […]

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Develop integrated management of bacterial canker disease for greenhouse tomato

Greenhouse industry is an important agricultural sector in Canada. Approximately half of the Canadian vegetables is produced in commercial greenhouses. Ontario greenhouse industry contributes to 40% of greenhouse production in Canada. As one of the most important greenhouse crops, tomato production is threatened by canker disease leading to significant loss for growers. Tomato canker disease […]

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Examining salmon population dynamics on the Central Coast of British Columbia to inform conservation and management

Pacific salmon play an important economic, ecological, and cultural role throughout their range. However, declining salmon populations have diminished this role in many regions. The factors responsible for declines are poorly understood but are of great interest, particularly for First Nations, who have a large role in salmon management. To inform management and conservation, I […]

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Long-Term Ecosystem Monitoring of the British Columbia Coast across a Gradient of Human Stressors – Year Two

Proposed developments (pipelines, super-tankers) along the coast of BC have the potential to negatively impact (shell)fisheries. Direct monitoring of fisheries can only detect negative impacts which have already occurred; therefore, indicator species (meiofauna) and environmental variables are monitored to detect disturbances before productivity is impacted. Our project will monitor intertidal ecosystems (numerous species and environmental […]

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Early warning indicators as tools for freshwater monitoring

A myriad of environmental stressors are threatening freshwater ecosystems. However, monitoring the impacts of these stressors on economically and culturally important native fish populations remains a challenge. Ontario is a large province with hundreds of thousands of lakes, yet knowledge of ecological structure across lakes is limited, particularly for remote lakes in the Far North. […]

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Inhibition of the fungal-specific histone deacetylase Hst3: a novel broad spectrum strategy to fight fungal pathogens

A number of fungal pathogens cause life-threatening infections in patients whose immune system is crippled. Among others, these include patients treated with cancer chemotherapy and patients who receive organ or blood cell transportation. Pre-term infants, elderly patients and patients in intensive care units are also at risk of developing life-threatening infections. Moreover, fungi cause very […]

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Chromosome Engineering for Bioproducts from Methanotrophs – Year Two

Currently Metagenom Bio Inc. offers contract research services in environmental microbial species profiling. Applications for this service include the monitoring of biogas operations, greenhouses, and mining processes. Metagenom Bio wishes to offer solutions that use microbes to generate value-added products. Biogas reactors can break down waste products and produce methane, or natural gas. This methane […]

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